Duperron Designs interior design designer licensed builder new-build  remodel Michigan

Interiors inspired by you and designed for you.

Project - Crystal Lake Cottage 2

Beulah Sunroom
Beulah Remodel
Beulah Laundry, Bath
   & Master Suite
Crystal Lake New Build
Crystal Lake Bed &
   Bath Addition
Crystal Lake Kitchen
Crystal Lake
   Kitchen & Bath
Honor New Build
Platte Lake
   Recreation Room
Traverse City


  • Add on additional space for bathroom and bedroom in summer cottage
  • Create year round use
  • Keep integrity and look of existing cottage as much as possible
  • Beach cottage style incorporating blue, red, tan and white
  • All new furniture and window treatments


Increased square footage to double the size of the bathroom and bedroom. Accommodated sleeping space for two more and added closets to both bedrooms. Replaced windows, added insulation, electric heaters, and new fireplace insert for more year round use.  Added bead board paneling to exterior walls to match existing and keep continuity throughout. Continued bead board look with wainscot in bathroom topped with light blue painted drywall. Maple bead board style vanity cabinets along with blue and white speckle laminate counter and tiled looking vinyl complete the cottage feel for the new bath.   Refinished existing maple floors underneath carpet and replaced fireplace hearth with new decorative tile to accent color scheme. Replaced light fixtures throughout and added ceiling fans for air flow. Located living room furniture arrangement to capture lake views, fireplace and television. Added cushions to window seat to accommodate more comfortable seating. Upholstery fabrics, bedding, case goods and window treatments incorporate red, blue, white and tan in a cottage style of plaids, checks, stripes and solids.

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